Working from home may sound ideal - no journeys in gridlocked traffic, no dress code and all your home comforts. Millions of Americans have achieved this dream with the amount set to increase in the coming years.

If you're one of them, or considering joining the growing number, we recommend reading our safety solutions and tips. Once you're familiar with our advice, you can enjoy the benefits of working at home but remain aware of the issues.

Plan for the Worst

You may not want to think about life's dangers but things like fires can affect anyone at any time. Even if the likelihood of an emergency in your home office is small, it's important to plan for the worst and be prepared.

We recommend thinking of a list of possible dangers in your own office and items that you would need should this become a reality. We've suggested the essentials.

Home Office Safety Solutions

  • Smoke Alarms – You will already have these in your home but why not install another in your office due to the large amount of electricals? Remember to check the batteries regularly.

  • Fire Extinguishers - Make sure you are confident with using one before you do so. Be aware that there are various types for different types of fire. Keep a cool head if a fire occurs and make sure you use the right type.

  • Carbon Monoxide Detectors – You might put your headache down to your heavy workload but what if you’re actually being poisoned? Installing a detector is easy and necessary safety solution.

  • First Aid Kit - Even if you do not recognize an immediate risk, accidents can and do happen. An easy to access first aid kit means you can quickly fix up your injury and get back to work.

  • Liquids and Electrical Equipment - Don't store any liquids next to anything electrical. The smallest spill could easily lead to a fire.

  • Water - It sounds obvious but without a designated lunch break, you might forget to keep hydrated. Look after yourself by drinking regularly and give yourself time to eat. Just keep any drinks away from electronics.

Cord Clutter

We strongly recommend investing in power cord ties. Leaving numerous cords strewn across your office makes you vulnerable to fires and falls. It's quick and easy to minimize the risks with this simple accessory.

Other simple tidy safety solution tips for your home office include having a designated coaster location for drinks to minimize risk of spills and an indoor trash can to prevent any buildup of litter.

Prevent Theft of all Types

As a remote worker, you are likely to have a large amount of valuable belongings – as well as data – stored in your home office.

To protect your data, you can practice good computer security by installing virus software, having strong passwords and backing up your files. Consider using a password manager as an extra level of security.

It's important to look after your physical belongings as well. You may be well-protected against virtual threats but you need to prevent real intruders too. The amount of sensitive files in your office put you at risk of identity and data theft.

There is also the danger of burglary. If your equipment was stolen, you would suffer financially as this can stop you from working.  Consider installing a burglar alarm to safeguard your office space.  You should always protect your home office in the same way a shop owner would protect their stock.

Security Safety Solutions for Your Home Office

  • Motion Sensors – These will monitor movement so that you can be alerted if there is suspicious activity in your home office.

  • Video Surveillance - Home surveillance is very useful for crime reporting as well as prevention due to its use as a deterrent. You can also use it for reassurance thanks to our Interactive Video service so you can see live video of your home office wherever you are.

  • Remote Access - It's not just video surveillance you can access on your smartphone but also your door locks, thermostats and lights as well as alert systems. There's no need to worry about whether you've locked up or not as you can do it all from the palm of your hand. You can also turn the lights on when you're out to deter would-be burglars away.

Remember, your home office is your workplace and you're the boss. Look after it!

ADT News and Tips