Top 10 College Safety Tips

College Safety Tips

Of the many back to school safety tips articles you will read, tips for moving to college are often forgotten. Check out our 10 tips to help you stay safe.

With fall right around the corner, thousands of students are preparing to return to college or start their freshman year. The beginning of the school year also means that many students will be moving into new dorms or off-campus apartments. As exciting as starting a new school year may be, it is important that students always remember to keep themselves safe. Use the following back to school safety tips to make moving and returning to school a seamlessly safe process.

Moving to College Tips

  • If you are hiring a moving company, first research the company to ensure that they are reputable.
  • Keep an emergency kit on hand during your move. Also buy a kit to keep in your home.
  • When moving you will have to make multiple trips to and from your car or moving vehicle. Lock all vehicles that are unattended. Keep all valuables out of plain sight and frequently check on the vehicles.
  • Inspect your new home for carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms. Be sure to test each alarm to ensure that they work properly.
  • Learn the emergency evacuation plan and routes for your new home.
  • Contact the post office prior to your move to have them change your address.

Back to Campus Tips

  • It's important that you know and trust the people that you will be living with. Get acquainted with your new roommates and exchange numbers with them. Also let them know who your emergency contacts are.
  • Share your new class schedule with your family and friends so that they can locate you in case of an emergency.
  • Consider getting a spare key. Immediately report all lost keys to your landlord or resident advisor.
  • New students should familiarize themselves with the campus. Learn where emergency stations are located and save all emergency contact numbers.

Follow these back to school safety tips to start the fall semester off in the safest way possible!

ADT News and Tips