Posted on 8/15/2017

Michigan Family Survives “Silent Killer” Scare in their Home Due to ADT

ADT Customer Sue Brodsky was having the carpets cleaned in her Bloomfield Hills, MI home when a carbon monoxide detector suddenly activated.

“At first, I thought it was a false alarm because of the chemicals being used on the carpets,” said Sue.

What Sue didn't realize was that elevated levels of carbon monoxide were being pumped into the house from the engine exhaust of the carpet cleaning vehicle. With it parked near an open garage door and the wind blowing just right, the potentially deadly fumes were flowing inside, permeating the house.

ADT CEO Tim Whall presented LifeSavers to seven ADT employees.

ADT dispatcher Greg Drinnen received the carbon monoxide signal at ADT's Customer Care Center in Knoxville. Following his training, Greg called 911 first and then phoned Sue who tried to persuade him to turn around firefighters.

In a recording of the conversation, Greg is heard saying, "Ma'am, this is a life-threatening situation. Please have everyone exit the home immediately. The fire department cannot be cancelled."

Carbon Monoxide Monitor & Sensor Detector Alerts Family
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We are living proof of the benefits of monitored protection.

When Bloomfield Township firefighters arrived, they used a portable air monitor to confirm lethal levels of carbon monoxide in the home.

“Had it not been for the persistence of the ADT dispatcher and first responders, my family and I could’ve gone to bed that night and not woken up,” said Sue.

ADT dispatcher Greg Drinnen gives Sue Brodsky a hug.

To celebrate the successful outcome, an ADT LifeSaver Award presentation was held August 15 at the Brodsky home. The highlight was Greg meeting Sue for the first time.

ADT CEO Tim Whall presented LifeSavers to seven ADT employees. Besides Greg, other winners were Jason Prescott, Matt Leszczynski, Chris Small, Lewis Anthony, Afif Haimoutand Tim Allen. All work out of ADT's Madison Heights branch and have been involved with the Brodsky's security system since its 2004 sale and installation.

"This was a great example of how all of us at ADT help save lives for a living," said Greg who typically handles more than a hundred alarm calls a day. "I am glad my training paid off and the Brodsky family will continue making memories."

Tim also awarded $10,000 to Bloomfield Township Fire Department.

Tim also awarded $10,000 to Bloomfield Township Fire Department which will use a portion of the funds to buy more air monitors for first responders to use for detecting gases in homes and businesses.

Following the LifeSaver event, a Meet a Customer for Life lunch was held at the Madison Heights branch. Attending, along with dozens of employees, were two ADT leaders; Area General Manager Don Gillespie and Regional Vice President Robert Kerr.

During her presentation, Sue said, "My family means everything to mean. I can't imagine life without them. We are living proof of the benefits of monitored protection and professionally-trained ADT employees."

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Customers Tell Their Stories

The ADT LifeSaver Program recognizes outstanding ADT professionals who helped save a customer’s life.

The Hailey Family
Sophie's Story
Julie’s Sting

"That call from ADT helped save our lives. And the fast response of the fire department helped save our house."

- Amy S., Wayne Township, IN