Posted on 7/15/2021

ADT Pet LifeSaver

The golden retrevier, Finn trying to get a snack from the stove.

A Lake Orion, Michigan homeowner is thanking Firefighters and the ADT Dispatcher for rescuing his beloved pets from a potentially-deadly kitchen fire. It happened when Richard Veyna left the pets home alone to take his kids to school.

Within minutes, their Golden Retriever named Finn tried to reach a cotton candy maker left atop the stove from the night before and accidentally turned on a gas burner. A heart-stopping security video shows the fire starting and spreading as the home's security system alerts and sends an emergency signal to ADT's monitoring center. From there, ADT Dispatcher, Queen Feagins helped report the fire which ultimately saved the house, Finn and three other beloved family pets.

Upon arrival, Orion Township Firefighters rescued the pets and extinguished the fire. Richard is grateful his 'fur babies' were protected, and his house didn't burn to the ground.

Veyna Family Pet Lifesaver
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“The best thing I did after buying the house was to get a monitored security system”

Derek Fiebig gives ADT Tech, Jeff Arkles the ADT Lifesaver Award.

The ADT Disptacher, Queen Feagins flew in from Texas to meet the family and their pets for the first time.

Hosting the LifeSaver was Derek Fiebig, ADT Vice President of Investor Relations. Others in attendance were Queen Feagins the ADT Dispatcher who contacted the the homeowner and fire department as well as ADT Tech Jeff Arkles who installed the system four years ago. ADT donated a $5,000 check to the Orion Township Fire Department  as part of the ceremony.

Richard can't believe he was only gone for fifteen minutes when his house caught on fire. When he arrived at his home home he saw two fire trucks, police officers and firefighters in full gear with hoses and equipment. The firefighters had already doused the fire and got the pets out of the home.

"Life can change in an instant," he said. "Everything is replaceable but not my family nor my pets. The best thing I did after buying the house was to get a monitored security system."

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Customers Tell Their Stories

The ADT LifeSaver Program recognizes outstanding ADT professionals who helped save a customer’s life.

The Hailey Family
A Guinea Pig for Fire Response
Julie’s Sting

"That call from ADT helped save our lives. And the fast response of the fire department helped save our house."

- Amy S., Wayne Township, IN